Breadcrumbs woocommerce wordpress

Wrong Woocommerce Breadcrumb for Products in Multiple Categories

Breadcrumbs woocommerce wordpressWoocommerce Breadcrumb are great for customers looking for products in a specifiek product within a categorie, but when using products in multiple categories this is not working very well. If you have a product in categorie X, Y and Z for instance, and you navigate to the product from within the catogory Z, your breadcrumbs probably will display Category X.
This is very confusing for customers and even can result in loss of a sale! Continue reading Wrong Woocommerce Breadcrumb for Products in Multiple Categories


Finding the right webfont using a webfont preview

wordpress-webfontsWebfonts are great! With a new WordPress theme I’m setting up a lot of webfonts are predefined, 661 to be exact! So if you don’t know which exact font you need / want it’s hard to find the right font when there is no preview available, which in no theme I’m currently working with is the case (are there any?).  Continue reading Finding the right webfont using a webfont preview

translate wordpress po / mo

Create WordPress Translations (.po / .mo files) – translate wordpress

translate wordpress po / moWhen you need to create a custom translation for WordPress there are some tips:

  3. Add a extra word to translation file

Continue reading Create WordPress Translations (.po / .mo files) – translate wordpress

Pagina-kan-niet-worden-weergegeven page cannot be displayed (dutch)

Page cannot be displayed in Internet Explorer and Safari

Pagina-kan-niet-worden-weergegeven page cannot be displayed (dutch)I’m not sure whether it was caused by my recent upgrade from WordPress 3.9.x to 4.1, but I noticed a considerable drop in sales the day after the upgrade. After checking my website on my iPad I noticed I got the message “Page cannot be displayed” or actually since it’s a dutch website “Deze pagina kan niet worden weergegeven”.

Testing the WordPress upgrade

Since several components of my site were outdated I set-up an testing environment which is running with another hoster. I tested the website after updating a couple of plugins (17 updates were needed). Most did not cause any problems but most important was the woocommerce 2.2 update, and the update of my export tool (Store Exporter) since this is what I need for running my shop.  Continue reading Page cannot be displayed in Internet Explorer and Safari

Wordpress stuck in Maintenance Mode

WordPress stuck in maintenance mode

Wordpress stuck in Maintenance ModeWhile updating some pluging or wordpress itself, wordpress is set into maintenance mode so users cannot visit the site during the update. It happened to me several times that I started an update which did not finish correct. After trying to access wordpress (even Admin) this is not possible due to the maintenance mode. Continue reading WordPress stuck in maintenance mode

Duplicate Wordpress-menu

WordPress Plugin: Duplicate Menu

Duplicate WordPress-menuAs I was testing some new themes I needed to change my main menu to 2 smaller menus. Since I wanted to refer back to my original them I did not want to edit my existing menu.

Creating 2 new menus from scratch (+/- 20 menu items) would cost quite some time. Evenually I found this small plugin and it is perfect for the job. Just install, activate and you can copy you existing menu to a new one which you then can edit to your needs.

Great small plugin, saved me a lot of time.

Exporting Browser history (Chrome)

Once a month I need to administer hours I spend on my business. I try to put most activities in my agenda but as I often browse and read up online it is for me also usefull to have a look at my browsing history. Although chrome does provide a browser history it is not very user friendly. Going back sevevaral weeks is a pain in the ass. Plus, sometimes I like to delete my history or reinstall my computer for example. Continue reading Exporting Browser history (Chrome)


Kento Latest Tabs

Kento-Latest-tabKento Latest Tabs is a nice little plugin which combines most popular and latest posts in one widget along with recent comments. Looks nice ands saves space in the widgets bar.


WP External Links – Open links in a new window or tab

External-LinksOfcourse once you have visitors on your site you want to keep them on your site. This can be done by editing each link and tick the check-box ‘open in new window’, or use this plug in and control how your links behave in one central place



Wordpress Twenty Thirteen

Colored Twenty Thirteen WordPress Child theme

Wordpress Twenty ThirteenUnfortunately default wordpress themes do not come with fancy color pickers to adjust colors. Adjusting theme colors need to be done in the .css files.

Want a head start, try this site. It has some ‘pre colored’ twenty thirteen child times ready to use! -> twenty-thirteen-make-it-yours