Tag Archives: Wordpress

Database size phpadmin wordpress

WordPress Database size in phpMyAdmin

How to show WordPress database size in pypmyadminI got an email from my hosting provider that I was exceeding my wordpress database space of 1000MB, which I thought was very strange. Had 2 dabases in which I each imported content of about 50MB (gzip format). I could not find the actual database size so I did some digging around and found the SQL code below which does the trick:

SELECT table_schema "Data Base Name",
sum( data_length + index_length ) / 1024 / 1024 "Data Base Size in MB"
FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema ;

Continue reading WordPress Database size in phpMyAdmin


Proudly Powered By WordPress – Change footer

Remove ‘Proudly Powerd By WordPress’

WordPressWhen starting with a new wordpress site the footer containts ‘Proudly Powered By WordPress’. If you want to your side to look more professional, of rather link to another site then WordPress you need to change this in the footer.php.

I used to edit this using a FTP program as Filezilla. But nowadays you can edit this from the WordPress Admin it self. Continue reading Proudly Powered By WordPress – Change footer

Press This « WordPress Codex

With WordPress 4.2.1 the Press This function is introduced. The “Press This” function allows quick publishing with a special web browser bookmarklet. You can create a post by quoting some text, images, and videos on any web page.

Source: Press This « WordPress Codex

lightbox (wp lightbox 2)

Using Lightbox to display Images

Avoid Ugly Image presentation

lightbox (wp lightbox 2)One of the easiest ways to make your website more actractive is using a ‘lightbox’ for displaying images. Default action for imanges is to desplay them just plain in the browser. This is not only a ugly presentation but it is also user unfriendly.

On my main website I’ve actually been using this bad presentation for far to long, reason for this is that I didn’t not know better, or actually didn’t know how easy the solution could be.

There are several (good) plugins available which will do the trick. I tried 3 of them: Continue reading Using Lightbox to display Images


WordPress Heartbeat (wp-admin/admin-ajax.php)

heartbeat-control-plugin-wordpressWhile monitoring Stats of my websites wp-admin/admin-ajax.php was always on top of the list of most requested pages which made me wonder, Why is there so much activity from the wp-admin/ folder? Nobody (no regular visitor) is supposed to go there / request a page from the admin folder, right? Continue reading WordPress Heartbeat (wp-admin/admin-ajax.php)

Pagina-kan-niet-worden-weergegeven page cannot be displayed (dutch)

Page cannot be displayed in Internet Explorer and Safari

Pagina-kan-niet-worden-weergegeven page cannot be displayed (dutch)I’m not sure whether it was caused by my recent upgrade from WordPress 3.9.x to 4.1, but I noticed a considerable drop in sales the day after the upgrade. After checking my website on my iPad I noticed I got the message “Page cannot be displayed” or actually since it’s a dutch website “Deze pagina kan niet worden weergegeven”.

Testing the WordPress upgrade

Since several components of my site were outdated I set-up an testing environment which is running with another hoster. I tested the website after updating a couple of plugins (17 updates were needed). Most did not cause any problems but most important was the woocommerce 2.2 update, and the update of my export tool (Store Exporter) since this is what I need for running my shop.  Continue reading Page cannot be displayed in Internet Explorer and Safari

Wordpress stuck in Maintenance Mode

WordPress stuck in maintenance mode

Wordpress stuck in Maintenance ModeWhile updating some pluging or wordpress itself, wordpress is set into maintenance mode so users cannot visit the site during the update. It happened to me several times that I started an update which did not finish correct. After trying to access wordpress (even Admin) this is not possible due to the maintenance mode. Continue reading WordPress stuck in maintenance mode

Duplicate Wordpress-menu

WordPress Plugin: Duplicate Menu

Duplicate WordPress-menuAs I was testing some new themes I needed to change my main menu to 2 smaller menus. Since I wanted to refer back to my original them I did not want to edit my existing menu.

Creating 2 new menus from scratch (+/- 20 menu items) would cost quite some time. Evenually I found this small plugin and it is perfect for the job. Just install, activate and you can copy you existing menu to a new one which you then can edit to your needs.

Great small plugin, saved me a lot of time.


WP External Links – Open links in a new window or tab

External-LinksOfcourse once you have visitors on your site you want to keep them on your site. This can be done by editing each link and tick the check-box ‘open in new window’, or use this plug in and control how your links behave in one central place




What is the best way to set your wordpress favicon?

Mnemonic4me-Wordpress-FaviconI tried several way of setting the wordpress favicon, and although wordpress.com jetpack is offering support, this is not always the best solution.

Even Yoast Seo plugin is offering a wordpress favicon option as this will do the job to me it’s not good enough! Continue reading What is the best way to set your wordpress favicon?