Category Archives: Content

Press This « WordPress Codex

With WordPress 4.2.1 the Press This function is introduced. The “Press This” function allows quick publishing with a special web browser bookmarklet. You can create a post by quoting some text, images, and videos on any web page.

Source: Press This « WordPress Codex

Breadcrumbs woocommerce wordpress

Wrong Woocommerce Breadcrumb for Products in Multiple Categories

Breadcrumbs woocommerce wordpressWoocommerce Breadcrumb are great for customers looking for products in a specifiek product within a categorie, but when using products in multiple categories this is not working very well. If you have a product in categorie X, Y and Z for instance, and you navigate to the product from within the catogory Z, your breadcrumbs probably will display Category X.
This is very confusing for customers and even can result in loss of a sale! Continue reading Wrong Woocommerce Breadcrumb for Products in Multiple Categories